Feeling uninspired with your meditation?

As a meditation teacher, I have always been curious to find ‘new’ or fresh ways to inspire, motivate and encourage others to meditate.

Maybe you have tried to cultivate a regular meditation practice but found it challenging to sustain, or maybe you have a consistent and diligent practice, but are feeling a little detached or find yourself wondering ‘What’s next?’ I often hear these comments, and especially if you do not have a supportive meditation community around you, or the guiding hand of a caring teacher, then sometimes your practice may feel a little tired or uninspiring.

One day, a few years ago, I had a spark of an idea .. and The Meditation Box was born. You can read more about the birth of the box here.

Do you feel a little UN-INSPIRED with your meditation practice?

Some people will have a personal meditation practice that works well for them, for a lifetime, while others might find that over time their original practice feels a little 'worn' or limiting. Some will attend one class but find that particular technique does not resonate, and then never do the practice or claim that meditation doesn’t work!

Meditation practices evolve over time and The Meditation Box can be an invaluable catalyst for enhancing your daily meditation practice .. by providing a seasonal dose of INSPIRATION.

1. Seasonal Theme

Each Meditation Box has a unique theme, guided by the unique qualities, energies and wisdom of the season.

Spring - Awakening, Renewal and Growth.

Summer - Abundance, Creativity and Vitality.

Autumn - Grounding, Harvesting and Letting Go.

Winter - Stillness, Retreat and Inner Reflection.

Aligning your meditation practice with the changing energy of the seasons can feel like you’re tapping back into the natural rhythms of the world around you, cultivating a deeper sense of curiosity, connection and awareness of the cyclical nature of life and the interconnectedness of all things.

Embracing new themes can inspire and enrich your meditation experience.

2.. Sensory elements

Our curated selection of sensory elements, sourced from Australian artisans, can awaken your senses and your practice.

Sensory products and experiences are sourced from small Australian brands and creatives, designed to awaken the power of your senses as a doorway to the meditative space.

Engaging and delighting the senses - sight, hearing, touch, smell and even taste - can effortlessly guide you into the present moment, and mindful awareness, and also foster a deeper sense of relaxation.

Awakening the senses can provide a fresh multi-dimensional approach to meditation.

3. Fresh perspectives

Mindfully curated insights and wisdom from renowned meditation teachers, spiritual leaders, and philosophers, can broaden understanding, offer new perspectives and encourage self-discovery.

Each box includes a featured book to support the theme, along with a set of wisdom cards for reflection and online learning content.

Broadening your understanding of meditation can inspire a fresh approach to your practice.

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Crafted with love and mindfulness, The Meditation Box offers a fresh, gentle focus for your seasonal meditation. Every quarter, a new box arrives at your doorstep, delivering captivating practices, beautiful products and experiences from Australian creatives, and LIVE classes to share and expand your practice. The Meditation Box could be all you need to reignite your curiosity and delight with your practice.

Where to begin?
Start with The Foundation Box, an ideal entry point for newcomers and returning practitioners. Dive into "Soul-Centred" by Sarah McLean, an eight-week program that lays the groundwork for an effortless meditation practice, and begin crafting your own sacred space with products to inspire and nourish your time in meditation.

What is the next box?
The Spring ‘Heartfulness’ Box brings a gentle focus to cultivating an open inner heart with a focus on kindness and forgiveness. Lovingkindness Meditation will be one of our core practices and along with our feature book, Lovingkindness” by Sharon Salzberg, we have selected some very special products + experiences to inspire your practice(s) this Spring. Closes 30th August with shipping 6th September 2023.

The Spring ‘Heartfulness’ Box is available now (closing 30th August).
Shipping 6th September.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe,
deserve your love and attention.”

Sharon Salzberg

If you are not yet a subscriber of The Meditation Box but would like to join us in exploring some of the seasonal themes that we journey through .. SIGN UP for our new weekly newsletter where I share a weekly practice in alignment with our seasonal theme.

Meditation Box Newsletter - subscribe here

Follow along this Winter for a weekly Retreat practice - and in Spring, we shall be exploring Heartfulness practices.


Inside the Summer ‘Vitality’ Box


sneak peek: Spring ‘Heartfulness’ Box.