Interview: Di Mattingley, Nunchi Oils

Welcome to our new interview series, “Inside the Box” where you can meet some of the exceptional Australian creatives and small brands whose products can be found inside The Meditation Box .. and hear about their own unique meditation journey.

Our first interview features the remarkable Di Mattingley the creative spirit behind Nunchi Oils.

When envisioning and curating our very first Meditation Box, I knew that it had to include Nunchi's exquisite Three Oms spray. I was first introduced to this enchanting fragrance as a gift, and it quickly became an integral part of my afternoon meditation ritual, gracefully setting the tone for my practice.

Three Oms spray is now part of our Foundation Box which is available year-round with next-day shipping.

Di Mattingley
Instagram: /nunchi_oils

Each of our nunchi blends have been thoughtfully selected through research into aroma psychology to encourage calm, balance, grounding and emotional support.

nunchi uses premium-grade essential oils sourced from Australia where possible. No chemicals are used in our sprays as health and safety are our highest priority.

Di lives on the Mornington Peninsula (Victoria).

1. Welcome Di. Could you share a little about your meditation journey with us.

I began meditating more than 20 years ago due to a health crisis. I then undertook a two-year study in Holistic Counselling followed by a two-year study in advanced yoga teaching. I became a teacher myself at the yoga academy, teaching the meditation component of the course.

2. How did you find meditation … the when, where, and how? 

Meditation became my saviour during a mental health breakdown. My anxiety and depression were debilitating and I found relief in moments of meditation. This became a daily practice for me and slowly as my health began to improve my meditation practice had become like a friendly companion. Daily mindfulness practice was also important in my recovery and I still use it every day to keep me feeling grounded and balanced.

3. Do you have a particular technique(s) that resonates with you?

I enjoy many different forms of meditation. I do like to practice guided meditation as I like to follow someone’s voice. Yoga Nidra is probably a bit of a favourite as it connects you to your whole body.

4. Do you have a regular practice and what does that look like … daily, weekly, or other?

Mindfulness is my most regular practice now. Taking small moments throughout my day to stop and take a moment and bring awareness to my breath. I also love to go on long walks and I use this time to practice mindful walking, especially if I feel like I am becoming overwhelmed with thoughts. I take my attention to my surroundings, the trees, the ocean, the birds, and the sounds. This takes me out of my head and centres me.

Recently I have reintroduced meditation before sleep. I have found the quality of my sleep diminishes as I age. This nightly meditation brings me into a state of relaxation before sleep and allows me to sleep more deeply, waking less and feeling well rested in the morning.

5. What is it that inspires you to keep meditating and returning to your practice? because this is a key challenge for almost everyone!

Reading about meditation and the research that supports the practice. Ultimately it is feeling the benefits and knowing I have this practice that supports my mental and physical health.

6. Could you share what personal benefits you have observed from your practice?

I believe my mindfulness practice has helped me to stay mentally stable for the last 20 years. I have gained a greater understanding of myself, my triggers to stress and how to be in the moment.

7. Do you have a dedicated space for your practice or elements that support you?  

My nunchi sprays and being in nature. Sometimes on my morning walk, I find a quiet space and just sit. I love to take in the smells, sounds, and all that nature has to offer.

8. Have you attended a meditation retreat or undertaken any additional learning opportunities? If so, could you share some of your experience and insights? 

Yes … many. One that was particularly life-changing was a retreat in Bali run by a beautiful Indian woman Saraswathi Vasudevan. We immersed ourselves in meditation, yoga and yoga philosophy for a week. It was the process of looking within and gaining a greater understanding of yourself and tolerance of others. The yoga philosophy was presented in a way that was relevant and personal. I refer back to these teaching regularly. 

9. Any favourite inspirational books or resources that others might enjoy?

I pretty much always have a personal development book at my bedside. I take small bites from each one so it is difficult to think of a favourite. At the moment I am reading The Healing Garden by Juliet Blankespoor,  a practical and inspiring book about creating a garden of medicinal herbs for healing remedies. I am trying to create a scented and herbal garden for my own personal use and this book is helping my process.

I have also been inspired by a participant Gina Chick on a recent SBS series, ‘Alone’. Gina refers to herself as a rewilder and she is incredible. Her authenticity, warmth, connection and gratitude to nature are extraordinary. I am in awe of her.

(“I too am also in awe of Gina Chick and would highly recommend watching the Australian ‘Alone’ series that was filmed in Tasmania's remote wilderness” Sarah)

 10. Any wise words to share with those who are new to meditation or have ‘fallen off the wagon’?

Just spend time outside in nature, listen and take in all its beauty.

Finally, 7 Wonderful random things about you!

* Mother of 3 daughters and grandmother to 2 granddaughters

* I have a cheeky sense of humour

* I love camping and travelling around Australia

* The beach is my happy place

* I always have a dog by my side, at the moment it is a big, bouncy puppy called Chilli.

* I met my husband when I was sixteen years old and have been head over heels in love with him ever since. I probably should have put this before my dog comment. Ha!

* My husband & I lived in Spain for a year, I went to Spanish language classes and was a complete failure! I loved it though.

nunchi is a Korean concept signifying the subtle art and ability to listen and gauge the mood of others.

In Western culture, nunchi could be described as the concept of emotional intelligence and nunchi blends of essential oils have been created to help us to be more mindful in our everyday lives. A gift of nunchi is a gift from the heart … even if that gift is to yourself.

Three Oms spray is a unique blend of essential oils that includes: Juniper berry, Angelica, Frankincense, Sandalwood, Patchouli and Pink grapefruit.

How to Use the Three Oms Spray: If we take a moment to stop, spray some nunchi, and breathe deeply we are reminding ourselves to come back to the present moment. Each of our nunchi blends has been thoughtfully selected through research into aroma psychology to encourage calm, balance, grounding, and emotional support. When you create a ritual of spraying these nunchi essential oil blends in your home, you are inviting a sense of calm, peace and happiness.

Spray over yourself before and after meditation or yoga. Spray in and around your meditation space to effortlessly shift into a quieter and more ‘aware’ sense of present moment awareness. The spray can be useful to help diffuse stressful moments, simply spray and breathe deeply.

About The Foundation Box

The Foundation Box is the ideal place to start if you are new to meditation or want to reconnect with your practice, with mindfully curated products and experiences to inspire and delight your meditation practice including:

+ feature book, ‘Soul-Centred: Transform Your Life in 8-Weeks with Meditation’ by Hay House author and internationally loved meditation teacher Sarah McLean.
+ Three Oms Spray from Nunchi Oils
+ Two handmade ceremonial incense planks from the forests of Western Australia
+ Four secret sensory products (we always have at least a few secret items to create curiosity and to ensure your unboxing is joyful and surprising!)
+ Online four-week Meditative Exercises course ((audio) with Sarah, founder of The Meditation Box
+ Access to our growing Online Learning Hub.

With FREE SHIPPING straight to your front door (Aust. only) and with 20% OFF when taken with a seasonal subscription.

The monetary value of each box is $250+ .. but the experience is priceless.

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sneak peek: Spring ‘Heartfulness’ Box.


reveal: Winter ‘Retreat’ Box.