A seasonal subscription
box to inspire and support
your meditation practice.

. unique theme with each box
. feature meditation book
. mindfully chosen products + experiences
. access to online learning hub

Welcome to your seasonal box of meditation inspiration!

It’s a real box.

Delivered straight to your door each Quarter (four times per year).

Each box has a unique theme, drawn from the wisdom of the season, and includes a feature book, and 5-6 mindfully selected products + experiences to awaken and delight the senses - bringing your into the present moment (mindfulness).

We focus on small artisan and Australian made products + experience, and some items will remain secret until they arrive at your door .. sure to activate curiosity and attention.

*Available ONLY in Australia


Subscribe to find out about our PAST and FUTURE Boxes, view our subscription plans + get 20% OFF your 1st box!



Limited Edition . Order before 31st May . Shipping 3rd June 2024.


Start Here: The Foundation Box.

The ideal place to start.

Next Day Shipping (free shipping)

The ideal starting point if you are new to meditation, or wanting to refresh and re-engage with your practice. Feature book ‘Soul-Centred’ by Sarah McLean, international meditation teacher and Hay House author with an 8-week program to cultivate an effective daily meditation practice, plus six mindfully chosen products + experiences to captivate and engage!

The Foundation Box is always AVAILABLE (year-round).

What’s Included In Each Box?

  • Inspirational Book.

    A carefully selected meditation book that aligns with our seasonal theme, from authors both established, contemporary and upcoming.

  • Sensory Products + Experiences.

    A selection of 5-6 mindfully chosen products or experiences sourced from artisans, creatives and small Australian brands.

  • Online Learning Hub.

    A growing space offering masterclasses, downloadable resources and unique author content to support and expand on seasonal theme.

How Does It Work?


All Seasons
(5 boxes) * Three Seasons (3 boxes) * Single Box
(Single Box subscription can be cancelled at anytime)

STEP 1. Subscribe before 30th of month prior (eg. 30th May) to receive the next seasonal Meditation Box (ie. Winter Box) - unless sold out.

STEP 2. Get excited as we prepare your Box for shipping (6th of the month). You will receive tracking details from Australia Post.

STEP 3. Renewal: Subscription plans are automatically renewed each quarter (15th of the month prior) so you never miss out.


Why A Meditation Box?

Incense part of The Meditation Box

* Antidote to Stress. Anxiety. Overwhelm. Ongoing and chronic stress is incredibly unhealthy, not only negatively impacting health and energy, but reduce your ability to moderate your emotional responses or make good decisions. Meditation is one of the most effective ways to release stress. The Meditation Box will inspire you to start a personal practice + continue to enjoy it!
* Confused about where to start? In ancient times you would visit a wise teacher or temple, nowadays the amount of information available can be overwhelming, making it confusing to know where and how to start. The Meditation Box will bring great teachers to your door to guide your journey and expand your learning.
* Finding it hard to keep going? Often the most challenging elements of meditation .. is remembering to ‘do it’ and staying engaged. The Meditation Box brings a range of unique artisan products and experiences to capture your attention and delight. Not knowing what is inside, only heightens the excitement!
* Missing Community? Meditation is a solo journey inward, but you can connect with others through our regular online Masterclasses and access to the Online Learning Hub.

Kind Words.
